Tuesday 11 June 2013

Day 1 of 30 Days Shred... Fail

I'm sat here typing this so out of breath and feeling so crappy right now.  I feel like such a failure.
I've just completed.. 8 minutes of the 27 minutes of work out... My knees hurt.. my heart is beating uncontrollably and I sound like a dog that's been running around for 2 hours.

This workout is a lot harder than it looks especially if your 17stone and really really unfit.

I'm going to go and have a short soak in a cold bath and try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a new day!

Friday 7 June 2013

First Post... First Goal

Hello there!

I won't bore you all with a huge introduction (most of what you want to know is on the "About Me" page.
If your here I guess your also looking to lose some weight and get fit/healthy.. Welcome to the club!!

When I started (3 weeks ago) I weighed around 18.2st and I'm 5ft5in so I'm pretty MOOHASIVE!

I'm now around 17.2st  (as of 07/06/13).  I've lost the weight so far literally just by lowering my calories down to the number "My Fitness Pal" recommended which is currently: 1370kcal.  I HIGHLY recommend MFP (My Fitness Pal) as an aid for losing weight even if your not calorie counting like me.  It allows you to quickly add what you've eaten , adds the calories for you and allows you to keep a record of what your eating.  I honestly believe this is the reason that this diet (LIFESTYLE CHANGE!) has really stuck with me.   I'll stick a page up with links and more details about things that I've found really helpful soon.

I've realised just by lowering my calories and making healthier choices with food isn't going to be the quick fix that I'm (and you) are probably hoping for.  I'd love to go the gym but right now I'm still too embarassed to even walk in to the reception and sign up.  I can just imagine them looking at me thinking "She'll never come back" or ending up collapsing on the treadmill in a huge red heap, huffing, puffing and snorting like a gigantic pig.
I've been trying to research a workout video that isn't going to kill me or make me want to throw things at the T.V in pure fustration.  I've realised that the "wanting to collapse in a heap" is what my body needs and I NEED to push myself If I want to get rid of this weight.   After a few days of googling and reading a few forums a well recommended work out was:  "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred".

"Jillian Michaels, the superstar of America's fitness trainers, is committed to getting big results. As your own personal trainer, Jillian will guide you through her exclusive 3-2-1 Interval System that combines strength, cardio and abs to blast through calories for a dramatic 30 day shred. The DVD includes three complete 20-minute workouts which progress by level of intensity. Start with Level 1 and advance through to Level 3- in no time you'll achieve a lean shredded body."
Amazon.co.uk , £5.99.   -  

However it's not called "Budget Skinny" for no reason ;-)  you can find the workout videos on YouTube:
(I'll link these on a static page ASAP)

I plan on starting the workout on Monday (10/06/13) while my other half is at work, leaving only the cats to laugh at me!  Can cats laugh?! 

I'm planning to measure my: waist, hips , arms , legs  as a lot of people have reported losing quite a few inches but not much actual weight.  I'm even considering keeping a photo diary of my body *cringe*.

These are some images I found while searching "30 Day Shred" on google, hopefully they will inspire you the way they've inspired me.   If any of these photos belong to you... WELL DONE, YOU LOOK AMAZING AND YOUR GORGEOUS!

I'm planning to do a weekly shop online this weekend so I'll try to upload that with my meal plan :)
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you here again!